Monday, 25 August 2008

The danger of letting it slip too far

A cautionary tale for me for the future. Although this eating plan of mine is really good in lots of ways, easy it ain't! It takes a lot of thought and planning, two things I didn't want to have to do when I took the kids on a short break recently. So I took a risk and more or less abandoned it for the time I was away. What harm could it do? Well, I think I've been reaping the whirlwind ever since. First it was a major downer the day after I got back, it just settled on me from a height and sat there immovable till it went away again. Then we decided to actually organise that splash party we'd been planning for weeks, but at the height of the preparations I came down with a horrible sore throat that turned to a painful earache overnight, so it had to be postponed. I can honestly say it's the first time I've been as ill as that since I started this eating plan. Properly ill that is, sitting on the couch in my nightie and dressing gown, groaning.
On the plus side I've got my bike! Yay! I'm a bit nervous about getting started with it as I've not ridden one regularly since my twenties, but there's a few byways round here to explore and I'm hoping the kids catch the bug. They love zooming round the garden on theirs but I've always been a bit anxious about them venturing onto the road. I'm just going to have to work out how to get all three of them out and about safely. Littlest is 4 but quite light, but even so she may be too heavy for me to manage in a kiddie seat on the back of mine. I'll have to see if I can borow one to try it out.
And dd2 is keen to try bellydancing with me. That could be a lot of fun! And we've been promising ourselves to join up at the local tiny gym at the village (use it or lose it) and see if they can tailor me some exercises and activities and stuff.

1 comment:

  1. at 4 Nao fit in my bicycle seat quite easily - she is a bit of a lightweight though.
    mmmm bikes , mine's covered in cobwebs . . . . thinking.
