Monday 21 July 2008

a bit slippy slidey, but trying hard

Well, I've been trying to stick to it as much as poss, but life's been a bit hard of late. However the boot camp + fruit and veg is slowly paying off, and there are some great sport activities running ove the summer so I'll see how the kids get on with those.
I've also promised myself a bike and another load of those hellishly expensive supplements. I'm sure you're not supposed to do one month religiously then make the next bottle last, well, as long as it lasts cos I kept forgetting to take them, then buy the next bottle a couple of monthes later, but hey, I'm doing what I can.
Picture me a la Miss Hubbard tinkling along the lanes round here, running down bunnies and reminding people about choir practice. Oh and frightening the bejeebers out of any unsuspecting walkers as I come up behind them and ring my bell at the last minute:-)

Sunday 20 July 2008

cravings for good stuff taking over from cravings for crap (as what's his name said it would).

Dawniy posted a youtube here of some American guy with a wacky name talking about the perils of sugar and such stuff ... very useful viewing. He said that when you stop eating crap your body begins to crave the things it really needs ... so here is what I discovered I crave when I don't eat crap:

mackerel and oily fish
greens, greens, greens
and more mushrooms!

Blog Rave about Wii Fit!

I've been having a great diet boost with Wii Fit. Somewhat more expensive even than Slimming world ... but is lots more fun! Also we can all use it and get fit and SW doesn't really promise get fit. I fought against it for ages. Jon tried to sell it to me as something to get me fit ... and I was very skeptical. It's FAB. I surprise myself that I haven't made a blog rave about it yet ... but maybe that is too much like consumerism and I'm horribly shy of that (hence the months of fighting against getting it in the first place!) I have really found that it has curtailed my evening snacking and when I feel need for 'compensation' from something sugary and junky, I seem to be gravitating to the Wii instead ... like 'play' is a well deserved reward for all my hard work during the day. (It is seriously rigorous exercise disguised as play and it's got me so fooled that I'm often in danger of overdoing it!) I must think to post about it on Loozing It at least! My DH will say "I told you so!"

(so, Liz ... I just pasted my comment to you in here! There, I posted it!)

Monday 7 July 2008


I watched a prog last night about obesity. . . . . . it explained how a few extra calories here and there everyday add up to having a real obesity problem as we get older, well that's how I understood it anyway. While I was pregnant I'd actually gone off making bad food choices because choc and things fatty/creamy were making me feel sick. And now here I am , lost the baby , not pregnant, and very low. What do I do when I'm low ? Eat. I wonder why we do that because after I've eaten I feel even worse, but at the time all I can think about is the craving for choc . . . . . . for me it's harder than stopping smoking, I've successfully done the stop smoking thing. So how did I stop smoking? well as soon as I craved one I just held firm said no and crocheted to keep my hands busy and there weren't any fags in the house to smoke so . . . . . but it isn't the same with food is it? However I try to cut down there's always food in the house, I can't refuse to buy food, I can't be wilfull and refuse to eat. Now then maybe one thing I can do is use the refuse and stubborn thing on chocolate? it sounds do-able, no to chocolate instead of no to fags , maybe I can have success with doing this bit of not eating bad.

Ok so here we are, 7th of july , no more chocolate - sadly I'm feeling deprived already, I feel sad, miserable, been wanting choc ever since i miscarried and i guess I've had some everyday, I can't shop or get petrol without getting some. If Stef goes to the shop he asks "Do you want anything?" maybe I need to change my reply to yes a banana . . . . . at least that way i'd get the nibble without the fat?? Life without the choc hit?? I may aswell give it a try I'm depressed anyway lol woe is me . . . . . .

I have tried the only eat if it's good for me sort of thing but failed terribly . . . . .. . . .. .. . . ..ok try this then.