Monday 7 July 2008


I watched a prog last night about obesity. . . . . . it explained how a few extra calories here and there everyday add up to having a real obesity problem as we get older, well that's how I understood it anyway. While I was pregnant I'd actually gone off making bad food choices because choc and things fatty/creamy were making me feel sick. And now here I am , lost the baby , not pregnant, and very low. What do I do when I'm low ? Eat. I wonder why we do that because after I've eaten I feel even worse, but at the time all I can think about is the craving for choc . . . . . . for me it's harder than stopping smoking, I've successfully done the stop smoking thing. So how did I stop smoking? well as soon as I craved one I just held firm said no and crocheted to keep my hands busy and there weren't any fags in the house to smoke so . . . . . but it isn't the same with food is it? However I try to cut down there's always food in the house, I can't refuse to buy food, I can't be wilfull and refuse to eat. Now then maybe one thing I can do is use the refuse and stubborn thing on chocolate? it sounds do-able, no to chocolate instead of no to fags , maybe I can have success with doing this bit of not eating bad.

Ok so here we are, 7th of july , no more chocolate - sadly I'm feeling deprived already, I feel sad, miserable, been wanting choc ever since i miscarried and i guess I've had some everyday, I can't shop or get petrol without getting some. If Stef goes to the shop he asks "Do you want anything?" maybe I need to change my reply to yes a banana . . . . . at least that way i'd get the nibble without the fat?? Life without the choc hit?? I may aswell give it a try I'm depressed anyway lol woe is me . . . . . .

I have tried the only eat if it's good for me sort of thing but failed terribly . . . . .. . . .. .. . . ..ok try this then.


  1. I think we get something from chocolate- a chemical but can't think what its called. I was reading about a lady who adores chocolate but she buys the very expensive type but just little bars and she recommends that you just have 2 squares and you bite small peices and just let them melt on your tongue (your not allowed to bite them)so you get all the chocolate flavour. Is that more do-able?

  2. serotonin I think. You can get it from oats and basil too :-)

    Hey, how about trying the Wii fit ... or something Wii that involves physical exercise if the whole Fit package blows the budget. I do it instead of snacking (play instead of snack ... rewards me and makes sense too!) See my post above Dawniy!
    Bit like crochet but more distracting.

    also, exercise increases your endorphin level and makes you happy and energetic and improves your immunity to illnesses and helps you lose weight ... I think it may also help with neurotransmitter levels and it certainly helps with metabolic stuff!

    Maybe save up all your not-choc money in a jar and buy Wii Fit! I calculate if you spend 60p on choc a day you could afford one in about 35 weeks :-) but, imagine if you saved money on all the junk foody stuff you buy by not buying it ... put it in a jar and it would take you little over 4 or 5 weeks to fund Wii Fit!

