Thursday, 17 January 2008

The story so far

I watched the Jamie Oliver thing last night and it gave me quite a boost.

I've also ordered a new copy of Nourishing Traditions (Sally Fallon and Mary Enig) so that I can refresh my memory about why sugar and refined stuff is really bad for you. They have it all spelled out well enough to convince me, I just lent the book out and I can't remember who to!

Meanwhile, I think in balance I'm probably getting on ok. Baby steps!

I took to lining up three drinks at a time (not alcoholic ones ) ... and that is progress enough for me, as I find it difficult to remember to drink at all. That is a real problem with I'm breastfeeding. Miyuki has to work hard to get the amount of milk she needs. When I remember to drink, consequently I have a huge amount of milk suddenly, spraying everywhere! Just goes to show how short my body is on fluids.

Meanwhile, I'm making sure we walk everywhere and not being so shy of the flights of stairs I usually avoid indoors!

That's three things isn't it?

I need to write down what I eat as I think I'm probably skipping meals quite often and then eating the wrong stuff in between. Difficult to know until I see it in black & white.

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